Last, add documentation on synthesizer with graphical LCD: Documentation.
Synthesizer is for use as a first local oscillator with a fixed frequency inverter in the frequency 5000kGts to 10700 kHz.
It is also possible by changing the firmware to use the synthesizer synthesizer for direct conversion receivers and SDR. There is also an opportunity to use a synthesizer to convert up.
Installation and deployment of the synthesizer.
Synthesizer is expected to be placed on the transceiver front panel, pre-carved into the front of the rectangular hole size 71mm to 40 mm, the design of it made a shelf, that is the size payment equal to the size of the LCD board synthesizer and make
90 to 70 mm. See picture number 1, The whole construction is contracted by four pins and thus fixed to the front of the apparatus. Between LCD display and front panel of the transceiver is desirable to build a thin Plexiglas, which can be run from a transparent lid of a box CD.
Figure № 1
Nutrition synthesizer.
To feed the synthesizer will require a stable voltage level voltage of 12 V and 5 V and current to 500 mA. See diagram in Fig № 2. Meals on synthesizer is fed to the slot number 8.
5 volts are applied to the pin number 1, the total land of the two voltages is connected to pin number 2, and +12 volts are applied to the pin number 3 of the same connector. Chips stabilizers 7812 and 7805 are placed on heat sink (which may be metal chassis transceiver.)
In the immediate vicinity of the board of the synthesizer. Blocking capacitors unsolder directly on the chip legs stabilizers.
It should take this work very carefully, since the scheme synthesizer has no protection against reverse polarity or incorrect Filed voltage level (+12 V instead of 5 V)!
Figure № 2
To control the synthesizer is used two keyboards - the main with the number of buttons -12, and additional to the number of buttons 4 pieces on this keyboard made most frequently used functions. And it should be placed near walkover handles for convenience and efficiency of control transceiver. Both keyboard connects wiring, made from wire MGTF-0.07 required length and connected to the connector number 3 on the board synthesizer.
As a basic keypad is used Standard keyboard, which can be downloaded from any unnecessary liked a calculator or radio telephone with the number keys 3h4.Kak Koblyakov Alexander said, he tried different types of keyboard works equally well with the mechanical contacts with film and with the transfer resistance of 500-600 ohms. This will be the main keyboard with which you can perform most functions of the synthesizer. Buttons optional keyboard can be done from any favorite buttons do not forget shunted their face value ceramic capacitor 0.1 microfarads to reduce their pieces.
Appointment of an extra keyboard buttons:
<!--[if !supportLists]--> 1. Frequency Hopping both downwards and upwards. <!--[endif]-->
<!--[if !supportLists]--> February. Selection step adjustment 10, 30, 50, 100 Hz, 1 kHz and 10 kHz <!--[endif]-->
<!--[if !supportLists]--> 3. On / Off detuning. <!--[endif]-->
These buttons are at the discretion of the designer, placed on the front of the transceiver.
Synthesizer has the output signal with TTL level and form - meander. It can be used in all the known mixers. The output frequency can be as Fvfo = Frx-+ Fpch and 2Fvfo = F-+ Fpch, that is normal or twice the frequency, depending on the type of mixer. If the mixer for the antiphase signal used to trigger the division into two, with the synthesizer takes twice the frequency of oscillation with ping № 1 № 9 connector, if you want to tap the usual frequency (as in the well-known structures Bragin GG - MiniYes) then it is taken from pin № 3 the same connector.
Using these outputs with simple switching, you can get a signal oscillator for use in the construction of the PP and SDR for all amateur radio bands.
Managing nodes synthesizer and a description of the connectors.
Connector № 1 it connects to the LCD display, package design is compiled together (fee LCD main board and the synthesizer).
Connector № 2 used programming microcontroller Atmega32 and in normal operation the synthesizer is not involved.
Slot number 3 of the connector plugs harness coming from the main and additional keyboards.
Connector № 4
Synthesizer has six controlled outlets on the connector № 4 open-drain made on the chip BU2090, to control the relay, which include possible systems transceiver.
Appointment pin № 4
1 - Analog input S-metr/izmeritel power.
2 - log synthesizer TX 12-15 volts, RX-0 volts.
3 - Enable relays Antennyuatora.
4 - Enable regime VOX.
5 - Turn on / off input amplifier UHF.
6 - Enable / disable AGC / AGC.
7 - On / Off REV reverse.
8 - Turn on / off NOCH.
9 - On / Off CW / SSB.
10 - Additional access to the discretion of the designer.
11 - Earth
At Pin № 1 slot number 4, in the mode welcome should submit voltage from the S-meter transceiver with a 0-5 volt signal levels to reflect information about the signal strength on LCD display, a synthesizer, in the mode of transmission, there should give the signal from the detector output level power amplifier transceiver. Switching of these signals better with the relay or electronic switch, to achieve the required level of signal, you can use coaxial operating amplifier performed on the LM358 chip to achieve the required level of 0-5 volts.
In the "transfer" to the pin number 2 slot number 4 should apply voltage to the level plus 10-15 volts, to synthesizer "understood" that the transceiver is in transmit mode for correct operation control mismatch.
Jack № 5 is used for communication synthesizer with PC protocol and the level of signals RS232. Thus, by SAT interface. In the SAT program by the computer should be set Settings:
Transceiver - IC-756 PRO 1911
Rate 9600 8N1
Description of the connector number 5:
Pin № 1 - signal receiver RX.
Pin № 2 - Signal output from the synthesizer TX.
Pin number 3 - Total wire.
Connector № 6 is the output 4 digit code selected the synthesizer band, if it is decoded using Products K155ID10 (74145) can be managed relays for switching the selected range. Wiring is shown below in Figure number 3.
Connector № 7 at its output there is signal with TTL level and frequency of VCO. This output synthesizer can be used with transceivers with the conversion up.
Slot number 8 on this connector should be on previously given scheme stabilizers, provide the supply voltage.
Purpose pins connector number 8:
Pin number one -, plus five volts.
Pin № 2 - housing, land, common wire transceiver.
Pin № 3 - plus 12 volts.
Connector № 9 with the ego connector is removed elaborated synthesizer signal for its subsequent submission to the mixer transceiver. His level of TTL, ie swing voltage 0-5 volts and form - meander.
This connector exists as a normal signal and the doubled frequency, which can be used for mixers in which the antipodal signal obtained by division into two by the flip-flop 74 AS74.
Appointment pins connector № 9:
Pin № 1 - doubling the frequency output signal.
Pin № 2 - housing, land, common wire transceiver.
Pin № 3 - Normal frequency output signal.
№ 10 connector to this connector should be plugged walkover that the output signal has a quadrature axis of rotation walkover with the signal level TTL, there are two pulse signals with a phase shift between themselves - or + 90 degrees. Depending on the direction of rotation handles walkover. These signals can be obtained using the factory Optical walkover, or use a homemade valkoder based on the mechanical computer mouse, or use a stepper motor from the five inch floppy disk or printer. With appropriate signal conditioning circuits.
Input constants of the synthesizer.
To enter the mode constants, you should turn off synthesizer, press "*" on the main keyboard and hold down - apply voltage to the synthesizer, an early release button pressed after the input menu on the LCD constants.
Active line of the menu - the value of which can be changed - a string is highlighted in black - the color negative.
For walking on the menu up and down, used buttons:
* (Asterisk) - up menu.
# (Pound) - down menu.
IF NOR - frequency inverter is normal, it can be changed - by turning the knob walkover. The frequency will change with a pitch pre-installed from the main menu of the synthesizer.
Thus, using the buttons on the menu of walking up and down and rotate the handle walkover -
You can set the frequency of normal, reverse, telegraph IF and the frequency reference oscillator to clock the DDS.
Preferably with the help of high-quality frequency meter, measure the frequency of reference generator DDS, should be measured at 7 feet Atmega32 through capacity nominal no more than 2 pF. Thus obtained value of the frequency substituted in the value of the reference oscillator to clock the DDS.
If there is no such possibility, then this operation could be postponed until later, when the apparatus is ready for Pius and calibrate the importance of timing DDS, taking broadcasters in the range of 42 meters, or other special radio signal.
Next transgressed to install pre-selected from a table Exsel coefficients of frequency division for chip VCO 74AS161.
To do this, select the LCD line in the menu "Band ------ MHz "and select your range - pressing any button more groups of buttons.
When you select the next range-time display for the band-division factor and which are connected to the Goonoo capacitors.
Navigation through the menus down on the line - "Divisor = "
Choosing the alleged division factor for 74AS161 - pressing any button on the optional keyboard.
Navigation through the menus on the line "Con = And here, pressing any button on the optional keyboard, changing necessary
kit connected capacitors to GUN.
With that, you can directly in this mode, going through Shared group of capacitors to the VCO.
And at the same time, control capture work in the loop (on the glow of the LED), who is on the back of the board synthesizer or better yet, to control the voltage on the varicap at checkpoint located near the varicap by its installation. As the frequency is substituted is the upper frequency of the selected range, according to this sorting capacitors should stop at this scenario, when the voltage at the reference point will close to 7.6 volts. Then proceed to the next range.
The range of choice of the division factor for 74AS161 can choose between 2 .... 8
The number of options for connecting four capacitors are connected to the VCO is - 16 options that is, all possible options with 4 capacitors. This provides ample opportunities to restructure GUN in frequencies from 50 to 110 MHz.
Once all the necessary installations were made, should press "0" after which all newly introduced plants - will be retained
in energy is not dependent on the memory IC, that is not lost after turning off the synthesizer.
Description of buttons
Pressing the main keyboard button from 1 to 9 inclusive, leading to restructuring the appropriate range
1-160m, 2-80m, 3-40m, 4-30m, 5-20m, 6-18m 7-15m, 8-12m, 9-10m.
After turning on the transceiver, is changing at the beginning of the telephone station (or middle) of the selected range. Furthermore when selecting range synthesizer tunes in to that frequency with which we have come up with this band. That is, if gone with the frequency of 14123 on the frequency of 3621,
and then select the range of 20 meters, then get to the frequency of 14123, that is where the left, and came back.
At the same time saved and the selected control settings for this range.
The button "0" - write to one of six memory cells, selecting cells from 1 to 6, the numbers keys on the main keyboard.
In what is remembered not only the frequency but also the management.
For clarity, shows the recorded frequency in a memory cell.
"#" Button - Select the cell memory. Clicking on this button on the LCD displays six memory cells
the withdrawal of the LCD memory frequency to each unit. Next, click on the button 1-6 select the desired cell.
Next comes a conclusion on the LCD of the main window and there will be restructuring the synthesizer frequency synthesizer
and the type of control, respectively, the selected memory cells.
Button "*" - input / output to / from the menu.
For orientation purposes the buttons in the menu, the keyboard image is displayed on the LCD. What has included mode - appears in a negative color.
To exit the menu, if there is no desire something change (change your mind, or was accidentally clicked the button "menu").
It simply re-press "*", thus return to the main window of the synthesizer.
To enable rastroyku receiver - need to click "RIT" on the numeric keypad.
On the LCD will see an inscription inclusion detuning the receiver "RIT RX", sign and magnitude detuning - down on the frequency, + Up frequency.
To stop the detuning should once again press the button «RIT», while the receiver will return the frequency of transmission, ie at the same frequency to the inclusion of detuning.
To enable the detuning of the transmitter should - enter the menu by pressing the "*" on the main keyboard, and then press "0". On the LCD will see an inscription including the detuning of the transmitter RIT TX sign and magnitude of the detuning.
To stop the detuning of the transmitter should click on "RIT".
Frequency Hopping up - click "Up" on the numeric keypad.
Frequency Hopping down - click "Dn" on the numeric keypad.
Select step - click on the "step" on the numeric keypad, then pressing "Up" or "Dn",
Select the desired tuning step. To enter selected step, you should again click on the "step". The value of the selected step is stored in nonvolatile memory of the synthesizer, that is stored
when you turn off the transceiver the same thing happens with starting frequency transceiver and control mode.
This should be selected starting frequency make in a memory cell as described above.
Or you decide to buy a ready-made product, write to my E-mail:
"Write a letter to the author, Konstantin Ivanov (RD3AY), Moscow.